- budget deficit
- дефицит бюджета, превышение правительственных расходов над доходами
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
Budget deficit — The amount by which government spending exceeds government revenues. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * budget deficit budget deficit ➔ deficit * * * The amount by which spending exceeds revenues. It usually refers to government… … Financial and business terms
budget deficit — The amount by which government spending exceeds government revenues. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * budget deficit budget deficit ➔ deficit * * * The amount by which spending exceeds revenues. It usually refers to government spending and … Financial and business terms
Budget Deficit — A financial situation that occurs when an entity has more money going out than coming in. The term budget deficit is most commonly used to refer to government spending rather than business or individual spending. When it refers to federal… … Investment dictionary
budget deficit — biudžeto deficitas statusas Aprobuotas sritis biudžetas apibrėžtis Skirtumas tarp biudžeto pajamų ir asignavimų, kai asignavimai viršija pajamas. atitikmenys: angl. budget deficit vok. Haushaltsdefizit pranc. déficit budgétaire šaltinis Lietuvos… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
budget deficit financing — A deliberate budgeted excess of government expenditure over income, with the object of stimulating economic growth, financed by borrowing • • • Main Entry: ↑budget … Useful english dictionary
budget deficit — ➡ budget * * * … Universalium
budget deficit — / bʌdʒɪt ˌdefɪsɪt/ noun 1. a deficit in a country’s planned budget, where income from taxation will not be sufficient to pay for the government’s expenditure 2. a deficit in personal finances where a household will borrow to finance large… … Dictionary of banking and finance
budget deficit — The excess of government expenditure over government income, which must be financed either by borrowing or by printing money. Keynesians have advocated that governments should run budget deficits during recessions in order to stimulate aggregate… … Big dictionary of business and management
budget deficit — noun an excess of expenditures over revenues • Hypernyms: ↑deficit • Hyponyms: ↑federal deficit … Useful english dictionary
budget deficit — amount by which spending exceeds income (resulting in a negative balance) … English contemporary dictionary
Government budget deficit — This article is about government budget deficits. For trade deficits, see Balance of trade. For balance of payments deficits, see Balance of payments. Part of a series on Government Public finance … Wikipedia